
Massachusetts Online Poker Legalization on Horizon

It looks like Massachusetts will finally legalize online poker after nearly 18 months of wrangling over details about who gets what and who makes what. While it has been a regular issue to divvy up the spoils between government and casino operators, when it comes to legalizing poker and other casino games played for real money online, this proposed deal in Massachusetts is not without some stiff guidelines.marking cards cheating

Ever since the US government revealed that the Wire Act only applied to sports wagering, and did not pertain to online poker and other forms of online gambling (followed by the Department of Justice ruling that each US state could independently make their own choices concerning interstate online poker and internet gambling in general), we are beginning to see more action taken by State governments.

But a tricky detail involved here is that each state that chooses to legalize online gambling activity can only be involved in interstate gambling if, and only if, all states implicated agree on the gaming law imposed. Several US States have already legalized forms of online casinos, Delaware being the first, quickly followed by Nevada and New Jersey. California is seemingly going for online poker, as is the case in Massachusetts.

As far as the Massachusetts online poker legalities go, nothing will be happening overnight, as the licensing protocol for potential online casino and poker room operators is a lengthy, costly process. The Massachusetts 2014 budget calls for attachments to be added concerning the legalization of online poker, with eighteen different Reps. in Massachusetts already on board and in support of said attachment. Massachusetts has already legalized land-based casinos (the licensing process is covered in the same 2014 budget) although they will not be in action before 2016.

The sheer support given by State Representatives regarding the legalization of online poker comes from the understood fact that a considerable amount of residents in Massachusetts already enjoy online poker. The money is there to be made by regulating online gambling activities in general, and Massachusetts lawmakers in favor of legalization understand this. Furthermore, statistics from several climates that have already legalized internet betting show no real impact on problem gambling. And even though this is an internet facilitated form of real money gaming and entertainment, some 1,000 jobs are said to be created in the process of the agenda to legalize.

Now, here’s the nitty gritty. Even though the proposed new attachment to the gambling bill calls for online poker to become lawful, there is one heck of a tight squeeze on potential poker sites. There are only three slots available for licensure going to be available (so far, that is). It even gets grittier, as each of the three approved poker sites will be licensed for only ten years. Don’t think for one minute these sites won’t be under a microscope! As usual, there will be additional guidelines, such as strict adherence to age restrictions (21 and up), as well as self exclusion enforcement.

The last bit of interest involved here is that, while in theory, one might think with the upcoming potential for Massachusetts online poker legalization, interstate poker would be permitted (such as the case being considered in California and Nevada), but as of right now, there is zero verbalization regarding this issue in the current proposed legislation.

Stay tuned, as we are absolutely positive this is not the only additional State in the US to peek its head out into the world of ever-growing online poker and gaming. The woodwork is there, and who shall crawl out next is yet to be seen.

