
InCREDITibly Stupid Slot Idea.

We all know that the casino companies are a big business. Their business just happens to be separating you from your money. They try to do this in a way that is both enjoyable and entertaining to you. They offer entertainment with a sliding scale for admission. Sometimes you actually come home with more money than you started with. The entertainment comes in the form of table games and slot machines. Most of the games such as Blackjack Craps and Roulette have been around for years and are pretty much casino standards. Once there was a time when these games attributed for the majority of casino profits. However over the last ten years things have change drastically.card cheating

The slot machines now rule and accounts for over 70 percent of most casinos' profits. The casinos are competing to get you into their casinos to play their slots. It would not be feasible for casinos to design their own slot machines so they look to the manufacturers to supply them with new games. There are several companies that manufacturer slot machines.

Just as the casinos are competing for your business, the slot makers are competing to get the casino's business. The way they do this is by designing machines that are not only interesting to the players but ones that will bring in more profits for the casino. Over the last few years there have been many changes to slot machines to make them more profitable. The first big change came with the advent of dollar bill receptors to make it easier and FASTER for a player to get their money in the machine. No more wasting time feeding those dirty coins into the slot. The casinos loved it.

Next the slot makers started designing machines that were multi-line and multi-coin machines. At last years World Gaming Expo one company was giving away T-shits that had a slogan reading, "More Lines- More Coins- More Profits." That pretty much said it all. This year we saw the multi-denomination machines that pay out using vouchers eliminating the need for coins.

The coinless slots help the casino's profits in several ways. They don't have to hire as many change people or people to empty the coins from the machines. When a machine pays out in vouchers a player is more inclined to pay off the last few credits rather than cash out an have to take a voucher to the booth to collect a dollar or less.

While these changes help the casino's profits they don't have a big effect on most players. Players must still bring their money to the casino to play with. Most players budget for a casino visit and if they run out of money they go home. There are a few players who find it necessary to take credit card advances when they run out of money at the casino. I have written about how costly and foolish this can be. I also always advise that you;


There are many people that have problems with huge credit card debt. Using them in the casino is a terrible idea. Fortunately it is somewhat of a hassle to get a credit card advance in the casino. You have to go to the cashier's cage and fill out the forms to get your money. This takes time and many players who consider it change their minds on the walk to the cage. Making it easier to do would present more problems for players who may get caught up in the excitement of playing and find themselves short on money.

For this reason I was alarmed when I read that Innovative Gaming Corp. announced that they would make a credit card driven machine. They will use technology making it possible to use debit and credit cards right in the machine. I think this is one of the worst ideas I have heard of. I don't mind the casinos making a profit but I do think it would be irresponsible to make it easier for players who might in a moment of weakness decide to charge a few more spins on their credit cards. infrared contact lenses

The issue of allowing players to use credit cards in the machine is questionable and most of the major slot makers are hesitant to get involved with it at this time. One executive at Bally's, a leading slot maker said, It's been a morality issue. Bally developed a product in the mid-90's but no one would touch it."

At this time Nevada law prohibits slot machines from excepting credit cards. I hope that this law remains in effect. There is enough money taken in by the slots. The casinos do not need to prey on the weaker players who discipline is weakened by the excitement of their games.

